Length: Articles should be about 6000 words. In exceptional cases this may increase to 8000 words.
Referencing: The Harvard Style, which avoids notes, should be used. A quotation should be referenced within the text, eg. (Schreiner 1971: 177); note that the date is only that of the edition used.
All works discussed or cited should be listed at the end of the article under References.
- Book: Grosz, Elizabeth. 1994. Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
- Article etc in a book: Osundare, Niyi. 1998. Bard of the Tabloid Platform: A Personal Experience of Newspaper Poetry in Nigeria. In: Adams, Anne V & Janis A Mayes (eds). Mapping Intersections: African Literature and Africa's Development. Trenton NJ & Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press: 79-86.
- Journal Article: Visser, Nick. 1984. The Critical Situation and the Situation of Criticism. Critical Arts 3(2): 2-8.
In the references, where there is a great difference between the date of the edition used and the date of first publication, this latter should be supplied in square brackets: eg. Schreiner, Olive. 1971 [1883]. The Story of an African Farm. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Paragraphing: Indent the first word of each new paragraph.
Notes: Where notes are unavoidable “ if essential information is parenthetical to the main argument“ these should be endnotes, not footnotes.
Titles: All words other than articles, conjunctions and prepositions in the titles of books and articles should be capitalized. Titles of books, plays and journals (not articles or poems) should be italicized.
Quotations: Double quotes mark a quotation. Single quotes are scare quotes and should be used sparingly. A quotation within a quotation has single quotation marks. A quotation longer than four lines should be blocked and indented by 1.27cm right and left. Omit quotation marks; full stop comes before the bracketed reference.
Dates: 25 December 1999.
Non-English words or Phrases: Non-English words should be italicized, unless they are now regarded as part of the standard English vocabulary, eg. naive, status quo. Latin abbreviations or other Latin words should not be used: no vide supra, ibid, idem or et al.
For other matters of style, authors are recommended to consult a recent copy of Current Writing.
Submissions should be sent by email to cwriting@ukzn.ac.za and should be in MS Word.